2 comments on “M101 Pinwheel galaxy in Ursa major

  1. Superb photos! Coincidentally, ‘Uncle Rod’s’ (Rod Mollise) latest blog posting is on his fruitless hunt for M101 in younger years; by contrast, he says he found M51 a much easier friend to play with.

    Thanks for sharing.


    • Thanks John,

      Most folk say you need about 2 hours of subs to get a good data set for M101. I had planned for that but had to reject one sub due to gusts of wind. At one stage my guiding kept going sharply North but increasing my dec pulse duration from 500 to 550ms seemed to correct that but that sub had to go as well. The rest were good.

      My scope did a meridian flip at the 2 hour point and bed seemed more attractive than fine tuning image framing at that point!

      These are my first two AP galaxies so I’m still learning a lot.

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